Our Vision, Mission & Values

Making a difference

Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision

It is important to establish n-ergy’s direction and goals as a business and equally important to establish for all our stakeholder groups and the public. At n-ergy, we are all passionate advocates of supporting hard-to-reach individuals gain new skills through vocational learning and build confidence whilst in custody; followed by employment support so they may secure sustainable work on release and successfully integrate into their local communities, enabling them to change their lives for the better and make a fresh start! Our Vision & Mission Statements below reflect this:

Our Values define the set of behaviours that we expect all our people working for our company to embrace towards our colleagues, stakeholder groups and charitable causes and are at the heart of everything we do here at n-ergy.

Our Values



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“There is much evidence of continuous improvement and company values were clearly demonstrated throughout the assessment.” - (External Assessor, emqc ltd - matrix Standard recertification report, 2017)