n-ergy’s Quality Manager, Neil Moriarty, took a huge leap of faith recently, abseiling 200ft down Cardiff’s tallest building to raise funds for City Hospice. Read more ›
n-ergy’s Quality Manager, Neil Moriarty, took a huge leap of faith recently, abseiling 200ft down Cardiff’s tallest building to raise funds for City Hospice. Read more ›
We are absolutely delighted to announce that n-ergy has won HMP Highpoint’s Amends “Community Partner” People Award for December 2019 and January 2020.
Our Chief Executive, Donna Turner-Kot was presented with the award certificate at the Celebration event held at the prison’s South Chapel earlier this week.
n-ergy is delighted to announce that City Hospice has been chosen as its Charity of the Year.
City Hospice provides specialist medical, nursing and end of life care to patients in their own homes in the city of Cardiff. The charity also offers counselling to adults and children, welfare benefits advice and day centres with a range of activities. Read more ›
At n-ergy, we are committed to continuous improvement and strive for excellence in all that we do. This is reflected clearly in the excellent monthly feedback we receive from our learners. In fact, our recent Learner Voice feedback is more qualitative than ever before. This, we believe, is due to placing customer feedback at the top of our agenda! Read more ›
We are extremely proud to confirm our SGS External Auditor has recommended our continuation of ISO 9001:2015 accreditation and for the second year running, no corrective actions or areas of non-conformance were identified. Read more ›
This year, we held our Jolly Christmas Jumper Day at n-ergy’s Head Office together with our regional Wales team. The monies raised from our fundraiser will support our Charity of the Year, Tenovus Cancer Care, helping them to support cancer patients and their loved ones in the community. Read more ›
n-ergy’s 2018 Prison Satisfaction Survey provided excellent feedback about our employees and delivery model, cementing the knowledge that n-ergy provision is not only recognised as 100% good or above, but also as an integral part of prison education delivery. Read more ›
The countdown is on – only one month to go to the Pen-y-FanX5challenge set by our senior management team, Ashley Thomas and Sarah O’Mahoney to support n-ergy’s corporate charity Tenovus Cancer Care. Ashley and Sarah have set themselves an amazing challenge to climb Pen-y-fan five times in under 12 hours from sunrise to sunset (or before it gets dark!). Read more ›
At n-ergy, we are passionate advocates of giving individuals in custody lifelong learning opportunities and “a second chance” to start afresh within the Adult Education system by enrolling onto one of our vocational training programmes.
Our focus is to help individuals develop new skills and gain nationally recognised qualifications prior to being released. However, for many individuals, we appreciate that it may take a huge leap of faith to be able to commit to a qualification that may seem an insurmountable challenge; and for many learners, it could be the first time in their lives that they have achieved a formal qualification within the education system! Read more ›