Accreditation maintained for sixth consecutive year and feedback from the awarding body assessor emqc ltd
We are hugely proud to be recognised as a matrix Standard approved company.

During our recent external assessment, the matrix Standard Quality Assurance Assessor endorsed n-ergy’s commitment to continuous improvement and confirmed n-ergy meets the criteria for this quality mark for the fifth consecutive year. Click here to read more.
The assessor commented that:
“n-ergy should consider entering the Assessment Services Standards Awards as they provide a very visible example of using the matrix Standard in the continuous improvement and development of their services for the benefit of their customer groups.”
2018 Prison Satisfaction Survey – Spring 2018
“We have a longstanding working relationship with n-ergy. This has allowed us to build excellent working relations and a strong level of trust. All n-ergy staff are professional and helpful at all times.”
“These qualifications contribute to our service delivery targets. Also helps to keep us up to date with new qualifications to meet skills shortages and local labour market.”
“n-ergy have always been quick to adapt to the needs of the establishment and the needs of the prison and offenders is met.”
“The courses are a very good fit with the employment offered at this prison.”
“The services provided fit the prisoner group needs analysis. The services help to improve opportunities for employment on release.”
“A really good service with professional and diligent staff and management – thank you.”
Click here to read more about our recent survey.
Feedback from a recent EQA visit from our awarding body re: one of our routes ie. Cleaning & Support Services (February 2018)
“The EQA was very pleased with the structure of our portfolios and mentioned that there was a good audit trail for the assessment and IQA process. The EQA assessor also mentioned was that n-ergy showed good quality assurance and good feedback on the portfolio reports.”
July 2017 – Report
‘n-ergy exceeds the matrix standard’
‘weekly soundbite is an excellent employee vehicle for communication’
‘partner relationships are excellent’
‘there is much evidence of continuous improvement’
‘company values were clearly demonstrated throughout the assessment’
‘there is a robust monitoring system in place’
‘wordle, a good example of how learners are encouraged to share their views’
‘the learner journey illustration, excellent’Comments from our partners:
‘one of my best partnerships, how they work with us and how they communicate with us’
‘we need partners like n-ergy so, so much’
‘the best supplier of services I have ever worked with they never let me down’
‘everything delivered by n-ergy is exceptional’Comments from our Learners:
‘they’re always there for any support’
‘they took time to help me with my spelling and convinced me to do the course’
‘they have put me in a better position to get work outside prison’
‘they explained the value of having a certificate when I am looking for a job’
“n-ergy has clearly demonstrated that people coming out of prison can and do make worthy employees.
There are several things ex-offenders need, to ensure they don’t re-offend but the crucial one is employment. The idea of a company that secures and offers employment for ex-offenders is inspirational and it obviously works very well. It fits in exactly with what the government is trying to achieve.
I would like to congratulate n-ergy for their continuing advocacy of developing offenders in custody and supporting ex-offenders in the transition from prison life to life in the wider community. Their wonderful success is much deserved and I wish all at n-ergy continued tenacity in their determination to ensure that this model of excellence continues to thrive.”
Michael Sheen – n-ergy ambassador
Dr Jonathan Deacon, Reader Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Newport Business School, University of Newport
“Good prison partnership working with other organisations provided access to additional courses and qualifications for prisoners, and accredited their work skills.
Employability skills, including the use of initiative and team working, were appropriately developed. Learners were motivated and engaged by the tasks and progressed at an appropriate pace to higher-level qualifications. Full qualification pass rates for vocational and work courses were high and the quality of teaching and individual coaching in the vocational training and commercial workshops was good. Learners enjoyed their training and developed good practical skills.”
OFSTED Feedback relating to n-ergy provision following recent Ofsted Inspection from the Head of Learning & Skills (North Division).
“n-ergy group are the most professional training provider the establishment has worked with”.
“I wanted to let you know that n-ergy has received a thank you letter from one of the learners that was very complimentary about n-ergy’s professionalism and support for their learners. The learner found that the Customer Service qualification had ‘broadened his horizons’ and he was looking forward to undertaking another qualification as he felt that he would again be well supported by his assessor.”
Examples of Feedback received from Quality Improvement Group (QIG) and Partner Delivery Meetings within prisons.
n-ergy are delighted to announce that top Executive Chef from The Vineyard, Daniel Galmiche, endorses the work of n-ergy. Here is what he had to say about us: “Having met Donna and Mark Turner-Kot at The Vineyard Restaurant where I hold the position of Executive Chef, I could clearly see that they were not only passionate about fine food and wine, they were extremely passionate about the work they undertake with offenders and ex-offenders.
I am aware from the media, that there are many who enter custody with culinary experience and many who have gained skills and qualifications while in custody. n-ergy work with these individuals to hone their passion for the food and hospitality industry and endeavour to secure sustainable employment for them.
Throughout my own career, I have been supported, challenged and inspired by many people including the highest ranking world chefs. These people made and continue to make, positive changes that enrich my life. Through working with n-ergy, I feel that I too can positively improve the lives of those offenders and ex-offenders who have decided to turn their lives around through their passion of food.
I will be working in partnership with n-ergy by supporting the further development of their culinary training programmes and encouraging others within my industry to afford ex-offenders a second chance.”