n-ergy supports Employability Day 2019 – “Closing the Gaps”

Today is Employability Day 2019 (#EmpDay19), and n-ergy proudly supports this year’s theme “Closing the Gaps”.  As passionate advocates of giving individuals in custody who are furthest from the job market learning opportunities that link to the local labour market, we are able to support them with improving their chance of securing sustainable employment on release.



Employability Day is in its fourth year and organised annually by the ERSA (Employment Related Services Association (ERSA). The “Closing the Gaps” theme is intended to highlight the tireless efforts of organisations across the UK who help to close employment gaps by supporting disadvantaged people to enter, sustain or progress in work.

Our curriculum offering is tailored to meet the needs of individual learners and to align with their personal learning and employment goals. Our service delivery to learners “goes the extra mile” each and every day to support learners gain vocational qualifications and advocate lifelong learning.  n-ergy’s Training Advisors support learners by identifying their learning styles and helping them overcome any barriers they may have during their learner journey ie. any specific needs and/or learning difficulties.

Everyone deserves a second chance and it is not unusual for our learners to feed back to us that achieving a qualification with n-ergy will be their first! Here is a quote from a testimonial letter received from a learner who completed two QCF/NVQ accredited qualifications, telling us what his achievements mean to him:

“The courses also help men to achieve something that many have not done. It is a progressing pathway for learning and my n-ergy assessor helps some behaviour challenged men achieve something great”.

Many of our learners continue to build confidence to progress onto a higher level qualification or enrol on another course that aligns with their personal objectives and employment aims.  We also routinely obtain monthly feedback from our learners to ensure our delivery meets and exceeds their expectations to keep on improving our service.

Our Employment Support Programme has previously helped over 100 ex-offenders into work. To read testimonials from candidates we have placed into employment, please click here.

At n-ergy, making a difference is very important to us and doing what we do supports the “Closing the Gaps” theme to held build an inclusive, productive and prosperous society where everyone has a chance to thrive!



Posted in Employment Support, News, Training
