We are extremely proud to confirm our SGS External Auditor has recommended our continuation of ISO 9001:2015 accreditation and for the second year running, no corrective actions or areas of non-conformance were identified.
In comparison with last year, where three recommendations were put forward to us, this year only two recommendations were made.
Our External Auditor complimented n-ergy on our contractual quality audits outcomes, how we utilise customer feedback and how we promote our services to stakeholders and potential partners.
Our result has been achieved through everyone’s commitment to quality, compliance and achieving excellence.
[ezcol_2third]From our delivery team providing our learners with the best possible learning experience, our Quality Team ensuring we exceed our Award Body and contractual quality requirements, our Marketing Team identifying the best opportunities to promote our services and customer satisfaction, to our Senior Management Team driving continual excellence within n-ergy.[/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end][/ezcol_1third_end]
Sarah O’Mahoney, Performance Manager – Central Services said, “Our ISO Audit Committee work as a collective team to identify, challenge and resolve areas for improvement across the board and have proven themselves to be a forward-thinking, proactive and can-do team.
We congratulate everyone on this fantastic achievement, thank you!”